Newly elected deputy regional muftis of Zlatograd and Devin were presented to the RMC – Smolyan


Regional Muslim Council (RMC) – Smolyan held a regular meeting on October 15, 2019. During the meeting the Regional Mufti Nedzhmi Dabov informed the RMC about the decisions of the Supreme Muslim Council from September 18, 2019 with which were elected deputy regional muftis of Zlatograd and Devin. The longtime teacher in the Training course for hafizes (Qur’an memorizers) in the town of Madan and a member of the Regional Muslim Council hafiz Bayram Ushev was elected as a Deputy Regional Mufti of the town of Zlatograd. He will responsible for the municipalities of Zlatograd and Nedelino. The present imam of the village of Kochan, Municipality of Satovcha and a former head of “Irshad” Department at Grand Mufti’s Office Izet Dzhalev was elected as a Deputy Regional Mufti of the town of Devin, responsible the municipalities of Devin, Borino and Dospat.

From the beginning of October during held meetings the deputy regional muftis were presented to the imams and the Muslim boards of trustees in the relevant municipalities, and also to the community and the public. RMC – Smolyan wished the newly elected deputy muftis success and expressed their support in performing their work.

During the meeting a concept for promoting the activity of the Regional Mufti’s Office was presented which is foreseen to be made in the municipalities during the next months. The aim of the presentations is to make the Muslim community and the society aware of the administrative, educational, social activities and public works of the mufti’s office. There are also planned workshops for youths, students and families. The lectures held during the past season were also analyzed on the basis of which opinions were expressed and recommendations for their more fruitful implementation in the future were given. The Council united on the thesis that when the consensus is a principle in the planned activities then the better productivity seems more realistic.


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