NCRCB held its annual reporting meeting


The National Council of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria (NCRCB) held its annual reporting meeting on September 30 (Monday), 2019. It was attended by three delegates from each of the officially represented in the national council religious denominations.

Among the official guests of the held meeting were Emil Velinov – Director of the “Religious Denominations” Directorate at the Council of Ministers and Elka Bozova – a representative of the Commission for Protection against Discrimination.

The focus of the meeting of the NCRCB was on the report on the activities of the Council during the past year, 2018, which was presented by the current Chairman Birali Myumyun Birali. There was also presented a financial report for the previous year.

“The religious communities which are members of the NCRCB continued the longstanding tradition to work successfully under the auspices of our slogan “Together in our diversity” also during the past 2018.” – said Birali Birali. In terms of the changes which occurred in the Board of the Council during 2018 he said that it was a dynamic year and he did not miss to highlight the positive achievements of Dr. Rupen Krikorian, who has been working with diligence and devotion as a NCRCB Chairman for 11 years.

In his report the Chairman Birali Birali outlined all successfully implemented during the calendar year of 2018 initiatives, events and meetings of the NCRCB and thanked for the contribution for this to the members of the Board of the Council.

In the framework of the reporting meeting the NCRCB officially welcomed a new member – Prof. Garabed Minasyan, a representative of the Armenian community in Bulgaria.

In his address to the participants in the meeting Emil Velinov from the Religious Denominations” Directorate expressed his desire that the current cooperation between the Directorate and the NCRCB to continue also in the future. He focused on that he sees in the Council a worthy partner with whom they have resolved a lot of tough problems so far. According to Velinov at present the legislature needs to have consultations with the different religious communities in our country, and the NCRCB is a worthy bridge helping this process to takes place adequately and timely.

The meeting was closed with the gratitude on behalf of the NCRCB Chairman Birali Myumyun Birali to his colleagues and with wishes for even more successful work during the present year, 2019.


Author: L. Chausheva



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