Muslims from Sofia marked the beginning of the three blessed months with a discussion on the topic

On March 7, 2019, at the eve of the beginning of the three blessed months from the Islamic calendar, in Sofia was held a discussion on “Preparation for the three blessed months”. It took place at the Media and Culture Center at the Grand Mufti’s Office in the capital.
Speakers in the held discussion were the three lecturers at the High Islamic Institute – Dr. Sefer Hasanov, Aydan Yumerov and Salih Onbashi. The student Ismie Ismailova was a moderator during the event.
Aydan Yumerov focused on the importance of the month of Rajab from the Islamic calendar and of all of its merits. Furthermore he addressed the current topic on the disagreements about the performance of additional acts of worship during the three blessed months:
“No one denies that the narrations (hadiths) which are related to these three sacred months are weak. But if we see the opinion of the scholars on this issue – for example imam Nawawi, imam Suyuti, we will find that they agree that additional acts of worship during the three sacred months, mentioned in the discussed narrations are “mustehab”. In other words, if someone performs them seeking the satisfaction of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) then Allah will grant him the merits mentioned in the hadith.” Yumerov explained that those who consider these acts of worship as bid’ah (innovation), may simply not perform them. – “We do not say that these narrations are entirely credible. However we believe that they can be a reason to get closer to Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He).” – he further said and called upon everyone to seek the means through which to get closer to the Almighty and noted that undoubtedly one of these means are the three blessed months from the Islamic calendar.
During his participation in the discussion Dr. Sefer Hasanov examined the topic related to the three sacred months in the pre-Islamic period. “Before Islam there were four sacred months – months in which bloodshed was forbidden, i.e. they were months of peace. When the Qur’an was revealed – the most important event in human history, one more sacred month appear – the month of Ramadan.” Hasanov focused on the importance of the month of Shaban and mentioned a number of narrations related to this month. And with regard to the preparation for the month of Ramadan he said that it is important to begin yet from the beginning of the month of Rajab.
“It is a great honor for me to speak about the holy month of Ramadan” – said Salih Onbashi as a beginning of his participation in the held discussion. He mentioned all important moment from the Islamic history that happened exactly during the holy month of Ramadan.
“Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) wants from us to make a change during this great month – the month of Ramadan. If one did wrongdoings or was away from the embrace of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) then the month of Ramadan is an opportunity to him to open a new page in his life.” – said Salih Onbashi during his participation in the discussion.
He closed the event with a dua (supplication) that everyone will prepare successfully for the month of Ramadan, benefiting to a maximum extent from the two months – the present Rajab and from the month of Shaban that is upcoming.