Three students from RS - Momchilgrad were excellent at a National Competition in Bulgarian Language and Literature

During November this year the students from XI andXII grade of Religious School – Momchilgrad participated in a National Competition in Bulgarian Language and Literature, organized by Association “10 Books”, “Steps of Knowledge. Bulgarian Language and Literature” Program, which takes place with the assistance and the support by the Faculty of Slavic Studies at the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

After the announcement of the results on December 13, in the school in Momchilgrad took place a modest awarding ceremony for the participants in the race for knowledge, which was attended by the Director Ahmed Bozov and their teacher in Bulgarian Language and Literature Gyulser Halil. After the held a month earlier on first round of the competition certificated were given to the participants.

Three of the students ranked for participation in the second round, because they got the required points for this – 46 out of the maximum of 50. They are Esra Raif, Manka Kichikova and Nevse Karpach.


Arif Hodzha

Religious School

Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region



Asiya Kepchelyuva

Religious School

Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region



Esra Raif

Religious School

Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region



Kadrie Kyoibashieva

Religious School

Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region



Manka Kichikova

Religious School

Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region



Muhamed Durlu

Religious School

Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region



Nevse Karpach

Religious School

Momchilgrad, Kardzhali region



“We are looking forward for the next round which will take place at the end of January 2019 and which we will hold again in our school. Unlike the first round of the competition where we did test in language skills and literature, at the second round we will have to write an essay.” – shared Manka Kichikova from XII grade, ranked for the second round of the national competition.  


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