The Muslim family that suffered a house fire from the village of Cherna Mesta expresses gratitude


Dear people, we would like to express our great gratitude to all of you – those who help us in this hard moment! Thanks to your assistance and support again we believe in the goodness, you gave us hope. You helped us to get back on our feet and to look to the future more positively.

Thanks to your help we began the construction of the rooftop of the house. It was most important to be restored before the winter. There already are available roof tiles, bricks and timber. Then we still have to make at least one room for living.

We would like to thank you for helping us to start over again!  We express our most heartfelt thanks to each of you (known and unknown). Let the goodness that we received return to you tenfold.”

With these words Hyuliya and Musa from the village of Cherna Mesta, who 18 days ago suffered a serious fire, turns to all good people who helped them to make the first steps for the restoration of their home in the village in the region of Yakoruda.

We would like to recall that the fundraising campaign to the bank account of the family still continues. Besides the rooftop of the house, which is the priority at the moment, there are many other construction and repair works in order to let the family be able to live in their home again.

Let us help the young family to welcome their second baby with peace and in their own home!

For donations by bank transfer:

Name: Uliya Alieva Shaibova

IBAN: BG45UNCR70001521094187

Funds can be also sent by Bulgarian Posts or by the nearest to them office of Speedy in the town of Yakoruda.

Information for money transfer by Bulgarian Posts:

Recipient: Uliya Alieva Shaibova
Village of Cherna Mesta, Municipality of Yakoruda, Blagoevgrad region

Post code: 2789

Information for money transfer by Speedy:

To Speedy Office – Yakoruda

Recipient: Uliya Shaibova
Phone: 0878455575

Since several days there also has been running a donation campaign on the social network Facebook through which bank transfers can be made very easy as well, you just need to have a bank card. You can see it HERE.

For more information you can get in contact also with Regional Mufti’ Office- Blagoevgrad and the Mufti Aydan Mohamed on phone number: 0893616060

The Glorified and Exalted Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:

 "Whatever you spend of good is [to be] for parents and relatives and orphans and the needy and the traveler. And whatever you do of good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it."


 Sura Baqarah: 215


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