Regional Mufti’s Office - Razgrad held a working meeting with imams from the region


On August 14, 2018 in “Ahmed Bey” mosque in the town of Razgrad a working meeting with some of the imams from the local regional mufti’s office was held.

The meeting began with welcome speech, given by the regional mufti of Razgrad Mehmed Alya and also with recitation of verses from The Holy Qur’am, read by Alchan Cholmehmed –  an imaam in the village of Ostrovo. The program of the meeting continued with a lecture, given by the Imaam of the mosque in the town of Zavet - Sunay Zülkyar and the subject was about the coming Kurban Bayramholiday.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Lyutov and Rasim Rasim –both from the “Internal Audit” Department” and Bahri Izet - an expert from the “Irshad” Department of the Grand Mufti's Office. The participants in the meeting were also welcomed by Bahri Izet.

The regional mufti made a brief report on the activities of the regional Muftis Office; the summer Qur’an courses in the different settlements were analysed by Hamdi Nesir - coordinator of the Qur’an courses, organized by the Regional Mufti’s Office - Razgrad, as well as some actual subjects were discussed.

Shakir Ahmedchikov – an imaam at the the mosque of Razgrad, explained the conditions of the kurban (animal sacrifice in Islam), practically showed the performance of Bayram namaz and reminded thе participants od the reading of the hutbah. Meetings with imams in such a format will be also held in the municipalities of Kubrat and Isperih.


Finally, the meeting was closed with a du’a, made by the eldest Imaam  Eyub Halilov from the village of Veselina.



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