Regular meeting with imams from Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv


Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv held its regularmeeting with the imams for July. It took place at the new headquarters of the mufti’s office in the city under the hills on July 24 this year (Tuesday).

The agenda of the held meeting included a number of different topics. The imams discussed the held during the month of Ramadan Campaign of Grand Mufti’s Office in Support of the Islamic Education. The focus of the working meeting was on the issue related to the summer Qur’an courses for children in Plovdiv region which are currently held. There was also discussed the carrying out of a workshop in Momchilgrad for the Muslims who graduated higher Islamic education. It was organized by Grand Mufti’s Office and took place within the period July 27 – 29 this year.

In addition to all other issues the participants in the meeting in Plovdiv discussed some important moments in the field of their work a month after Ramadan. There was also discussed the current topic for organization of prayers for rain with qurbans in different settlements in the region of Plovdiv.

The Regional Mufti of Plovdiv Taner Veli shared some important steps for more structured and organized conduct of the held events.


The July working meeting of the imams from Plovdiv ended with a dua (supplication) and best wishes for successful work of all employees at Regional Mufti’s Office – Plovdiv during the summer period.




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