Candidates for the pilgrimage of Hajj met together at a preparatory for the Hajj workshop in Aytos
15 Muslims from the region of Aytos, who are going to perform Hajj this year with the organization of Grand Mufti’s Office in Bulgaria, met together at a preparatory for that purpose workshop in Aytos. It was organized by the Muslim Denomination and took place on July 14 this year (Saturday) in the mosque “Sultan Bayazid Veli” in the town of Aytos.
The aim of the preparatory workshops for candidates for the pilgrimage of Hajj which Grand Mufti’s Office organizes every year and already holds for years, is to get the Muslims acquainted with the proper performance of Hajj giving them the necessary for this information before their arrival to the Holy Places.
The program of the workshop on June 14 this year began with reading of passages of the Holy Qur’an. Then the Regional Mufti of Aytos Selyahattin Muharrem delivered his greetings to the candidates for the pilgrimage of Hajj from the regions and gave the floor to the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov. With the specially prepared for the occasion multimedia presentation Hasanov presented to the candidates for the pilgrimage of Hajj the basic information and details related to the proper performance of Hajj.
Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. The group from Bulgaria which is going to travel to the Holy Places in Saudi Arabia, is foreseen to depart on August 11 this year. May Allah ease all candidates for the pilgrimage of Hajj and to accept their worshipping!
“And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass that they may witness benefits for themselves [both for this world and for the Hereafter]…”
(The Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Hajj: 27-28)