Traditional circumcision in the village of Ribnovo brought together hundreds of Muslims from the country and abroad

The celebration of the Night of Mir’aj and the traditional mass circumcision (sunnet), organized in the village of Ribnovo became an occasion for two-day celebrations in the village in Garmen Municipality. The event was organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad together with Muslim Board of Trustees of the village of Ribnovo and the kind support of the Municipality of Osmangazi in Bursa, Republic of Turkey.

The two-day celebrations took place on April 13 -14 this year and brought together hundreds of Muslims from the region of Blagoevgrad, from the country and abroad. Official guests were the Grand Mufti of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, a number of regional muftis from the country, representatives of the Muslim Denomination, representatives of the local municipal administration headed by the Mayor of the Municipality of Garmen Minka Kapitanova and a delegation from the Republic of Turkey.

“The Night of Mir’aj is the night in which Allah (Glorified and Exalted Is He) made a gift to the Prophet (pbuh) – a gift which reached also to us today. This evening is an opportunity to take stock of what we have done and what we have missed to do. It is a good opportunity for each of us to ask for forgiveness from Allah (Glorified and Exalted Is He) and to make his “general rehearsal” for the beginning of the month of Ramadan. If we make this this means that we also take advantage of the gift which Allah (Glorified and Exalted Is He) gave to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)” – said the Grand Mufti Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi in his address to all guests at the opening of the celebrations at the square of Ribnnovo on Friday evening.

The mass sunnet, within which were circumcised nearly 70 children, was made by a specialist in this field, on the second day of the celebrations – April 14. The program on Sunday included also “alay” – traditional tour during which takbir is pronounced, related to the circumcision ceremony, as well as the folk pehlivan or the so called “oil” wrestling. The program was enriched by the participation of students form the local Qur’an courses, as well as by the religious music performances by “Vest” band.



Author: L. Chuasheva





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