Rudozem – host of a workshop for young Muslims from the region of Blagoevgrad

Once again at the training base at the Central mosque –Rudozem in the Rhodopes was held a religious workshop for students, organized by Grand Mufti’s Office. It took place in the period from April 2 to 6, during the school spring holiday. 24 boys in total from 4th to 7th grade, most of whom from settlements from the region of Regional Mufti’s Office – Blagoevgrad participated in the workshop.

Head of the workshop was Emin Golev – imam of the village of Startsevo (Municipality of Zlatograd). The program included religious lectures in Sirah, Fiqh, Aqidah and Akhlaq, delivered by the imams of the central mosque in Rudozem – Vahdi Delihusev and Nihat Ademov. Besides the educational part of the workshop the organizers had also foreseen sports and entertaining activities that took place at the sports grounds near the mosque of Rudozem.

The workshop contributed to enriching the knowledge in Islam of the young Muslims from the region of Blagoevgrad, as well as gave them countless unforgettable moments, spent with friends and brothers in religion. Before leaving they all were surprised with gifts on behalf of the main organizer – Grand mufti’s Office.




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