Muslims from SIlistra region every week gather in different village for a discussion


The Muslims from the region of Silistra have a very good established tradition – every week they meet for a discussion in a different village. The last week the discussion took place in the mosque of the village of Prohlada at RMO – Silistra.

The discussion, organized at the initiative of the imam of the village of Prohlada Rehin Rifat was attended by the Regional Mufti of Silistra Myuddesir Mehmed, the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov, the Head of “Administrative” Deparment at Grand Mufti’s Office Beyhan Mehmed and Bahri Izet – expert at “Irshad” Department of Grand Mufti’s Office.

The discussion in the village of Prohlada brought together over 100 people from three villages.

In the program, which began with reading of verses from the Qur’an, the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov spoke on the topic about “Balance between spirit and body”.

“Man is not composed only of a matter. The essential, which makes us humans, is our inner world. Along with our material existence we have to make efforts also to beautify our inner world. And this will happen when we keep our promises to Allah and apply in our life the commandments of the religion”, highlighted the Deputy Grand Mufti Ahmed Hasanov.


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