Discussion on challenges and prospects for the Muslim youth took place


“When one knows that these prescriptions are for his own good, he willingly adheres to them and easily understands the application of religion.”

A discussion on “Challenges and prospects for the Muslim youth” took place on March 24 in the town of Rudozem where the participants had the opportunity to speak to the Regional Mufti Nedzhmi Dabov and the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali and to ask questions related to friendship, moral values, religion, betrayal, sincerity, the first interests and penchant for the other gender, flirtation, love and how one can protect himself from the forbidden things.

Among the discussed topics were also: How can we find friends? Is it possible and how there can be a friendship between a girl and a boy and this not to lead to a certain form of flirtation?

According to Birali Birali the need for friends is a natural necessity, which begins in the childhood and is much more manifested in adolescence, when one begins to feel independence which is related to his personality, as a separate person of his family with his preferences, look at life, at the world and begins to search for supporters that share his understandings.

But “when people do not have the same values in the course of their relations this can lead to very serious disappointments, reflecting on the personal development, the psychological well-being of the person and this can leave defeats on the person”, shared the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali and added: “In the contemporary world both friendship and love are challenges, especially when a person does not have a look at himself, at the world, at the life and when is not lead by certain ethical norms.”

If the relations go beyond a defined ethical basis one let himself follow his passions and loses much of the true purposes of all those manifestations of the human behavior. If he does not know what is going on with his body, what are these feelings, this can confuse him and to lead to consequences with irreversible outcome.

But when the young man faces a challenge he finds answers to his questions in the prescriptions of the Holy Qur’an, for the permitted (halal) and the forbidden (haram) things.

At the end of the discussion the youths themselves came to the conclusion that: “When one knows that these prescriptions are for his own good, he willingly adheres to them and easily understands the application of religion.”





  Author: Yuzlem Tefikova



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