Social activities: factor for the trust in the Muslim Denomination 

A meeting of the Committee on Social Activities at the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) – the first for the resent year 2018, was held on February 8 (Thursday) in the capital.

Within the meeting held were discussed the results of the held campaign Orphans’ Week from the past year. According to the latest information and after the last registered funds, received as a part of the social campaign – the total amount of the raised funds is more than 200 800 leva. And the activities of the social committee for the new calendar year began with 283 in total supported orphaned children.

The members of the social committee at the SMC revised the conditions for applying for social assistance for orphans. From the present year 2018 there will be included additional conditions for the applicants which soon will be published on the website of Grand Mufti’s Office.

“One of the factors for building the trust in the Muslim Denomination in our country are the social activities”, - said the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun Birali, who is in charge of the social activities and is a Chairman of the Committee on Social Activities. “We have to be strict and precise in performance of the various social projects in order to fulfill more effectively and qualitatively that not an easy task – to help people in need, especially in conditions like those in our country, where a great part of the population has social problems.”

For the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun Birali also shared his satisfaction with the fact that despite of the difficult conditions, the campaign Orphans’ Week every year gives better and better results.

“We are led by transparency in our work, which shows increased trust of the society to the institution of the Muslim Denomination.”

During 2018 the Committee on Social Activities will continue to work on the present projects and the aim is to extend its activities and include more socially vulnerable people. Furthermore among the priority projects is the establishment of a Voluntary Network which to support the work of the Muslim Denomination in the social field.

The Committee on Social Activities at the Supreme Muslim Council is working already 4 years. It was established in 2013 with the establishment of Social Department at Grand Mufti’s Office. The members of the social committee are regional muftis and employees of the Muslim Denomination.


   Author: L. Chausheva


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