IMRO: We were against, but it is better to have an Islamic university in Bulgaria 


Photo: IMRO

IMRO is preparing a completely new Law on the Religious Denominations. The information for this was made public by representatives of the party at a press conference in Burgas, which took place on January 16, 2018. It was attended by Georgi Drakaliev – Municipal Councilor from IMRO – Burgas and the MP from IMRO Aleksandar Sidi.

One of the issues addressed by the nationalists within the press conference in the maritime city was about the establishment of Islamic university in Bulgaria. With regard to this the MP from IMRO Aleksandar Sidi said:

“We were against the establishment of Islamic university in the country. But we have already come to the conclusion that it is better to have a religious school which is under the control of the state. The state to follow what is studying and whether it does not contradict our values.”

From IMRO insist the religious figures and the preachers from all religious denominations in Bulgaria to be Bulgarian citizens.

“We initiated the elaboration of a law in which we introduce different regulation about that the people who preach whatever religious movement must be people who have completed their religious education in Bulgaria. People who are Bulgarian citizens, must head those religious denominations in Bulgaria” – further told the journalists Aleksandar Sidi.

The draft law on the religious denominations is foreseen to be presented to the major religious denominations in the country, after which will be available for public consultations.


Author: L. Chausheva

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