Unknown perpetrator committed theft of money from the donation box in the central mosque of Smolyan




Photo: Ranica.eu

On January 19, 2018 an employee of the Muslim Board of Trustees – Smolyan found that the donation box which was in the big prayer hall of the mosque in Smolyan, was opened. The money from it was missing. It was found that the theft occurred after the end of the Friday (Jumu’ah) prayer, when there were no Muslims in the temple.

The employees of Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan looked at the footage of the surveillance cameras which are mounted in the prayer house.

“We saw that unknown to us person entered the building, he made a brief look, after which opened with force the donation box, took the money and put them in his pocket. Then he went out” – told for grandmufti.bg the Secretary of Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan Vahdi Bozov.

The Regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov timely brought to the police a signal for this. At the crime scene arrived a duty task force of RDMIA – Smolyan. An examination was done and fingerprints were taken. The footage of the surveillance cameras was also seized.

It is not known what exactly is the amount of the stolen amount because the box was closed and the donations were anonymous. But according to the information from the Board of trustees every Friday the donations are about 100 – 150 leva. The raised funds were for maintenance of the mosque.

“After this we assisted the police who are working on the case” – added Vahdi Bozov from Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan.



Author: L. Chausheva



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