Regional Mufti’s office – Pazardzhik organized a traditional sunnet in several settlements


Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik with the support of Grand Mufti’s Office of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria organized a traditional Sunnet (circumcision) in several settlements in the regions of Pazardzhik and Stara Zagora.

The circumcision took place on November 4th, 2017 (Saturday) and more than 100 children from the regions of Pazrdzhik and Stara Zagora participated in it. All of them were circumcised by the experienced in this field Dr. Hyusein Mustafa.

The first place where the sunnet was organized was the mosque in the town of Velingrad. There was not enough place in the building for all who wished to fulfill one of the traditions of the Prophet (pbuh) – parents and children.

The program began with public saying of takbeer by Dr. Mustafa – extremely emotional moment for all attendees.

After Velingrad the organizers of the sunnet went to the village of Isperihovo in the region of Stara Zagora where were gathered all parents and children from regionwishing to attend the circumcision.  The last stop where dozens of little Muslims were circumcised was the village of Kovachevo in the Municipality of Septemvri, Pazardzhik region.

After doing the circumcision in each of the settlements the children were surprised with specially provided for the occasion gifts. In connection with this the organizers from the team of Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik expressed their gratitude to the sponsors who helped for providing the gifts for all children, with the words:

“The gratitude of Regional Mufti’s Office – Pazardzhik and of all parents is addressed to the sponsor who provided funds and helped to perform this noble deed. “We ask the Almighty Allah to bestow on him strong health, a lot of baraqah, and may he and his family be among those who are near the Prophet (pbuh) in Jannat-ul Firdaus. May the Allah, The Most Glorified and The Most High, be pleased with all participants in the sunnet and accept every effort on His way made that day”.

With regard to the organization the representatives of the mufti’s office in Pazardzhik said: “We did our best for the good performance of the common sunnet and we promise that we will continue to hold such events in the future, events which facilitate the life of the Muslims and guide them to the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh)”.


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