The mosque is a shelter where the grace of the Almighty never ends


The mosque is a sacred place for every Muslim. A place where everyone can visit and pray to the Almighty Allah Who sees us everywhere, wherever we are, hears and helps us.

The knowledge that I receive is in the home of Allah where every year Qur’an courses are organized. I eagerly visit our mosque in the village where the imam teaches us the most important religious duties of worship – ablution, prayer, etc. For me the home of Allah is open to all Muslims to worship and to pray wholeheartedly. For me Allah is so Merciful that He has not deprived us of anything, He gives us what our hearts need. When I listen to the adhan (call for prayer) in my village my soul feels such a delight. I feel that our village is supported by the prayer to Allah.

Actually Islam is one pure religion which teaches us to do good and to be happy with what we have. To trust in our Lord and always to be grateful to Him for the situation in which we are. Because if we think of there are people who have nothing, they even have lost their parents, but they are grateful that Allah gives them some strength and patience and they continue their life ahead.

The mosque is a shelter where the grace of the Almighty never ends. When you have problems or you are with a heavy heart the best place where you can find comfort and solve your problems is with Allah, in His home.

Without the mosque my life would be filled with emptiness and ignorance, and when I am in the home of my Creator I have everything that I need. I receive tranquility, guidance, peace and countless good things which Allah bestows upon me. He is the One who is always beside me, never betrays me, always understands me and answer my supplication when I turn to Him.

I thank Allah for everything I have and most of all for making me among the guided ones.

Every day I live with the thought that to be near the home of Allah is a gift from Him. The spiritual feeling, faith, good deeds make my family stronger and more virtuous in the Name of Allah.

May Allah be pleased of us and of all Muslims. Ameen!

Essay of Kader Tsankova Ganeva ranked at second place – second age-group (from 14 to 18 years old)

Drawing of Aydzhan Dzhansel Onbashi ranked at second place – second age-group (from 14 to18 years old)


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