Cultural and educational tour in Sofia

On 24th of September, 2017 (Sunday) under the auspices of the capital’s Mufti’s Office was held a cultural and educational tour in Sofia for orphans, monthly supported financially and morally by Regional Mufti’s Office – Sofia through “Orphans” Fund of Grand Mufti’s Office.

From all twenty-four orphans in total on the territory of the Mufti’s Office in the capital who receive monthly aid, in the cultural and educational tour participated more than the half of them. The tour was also joined by volunteer parents together with their children, in order to make this day even more pleasant and enjoyable for the orphans.

The kids together with the adults visited the Zoo, Ancient Serdika and the mosque “Kadi Seyfullah Efendi” in the capital. The guide at the mosque in Sofia Emine Sechkina gave detailed information about the visited sites, but most of all about the mosque where was given lunch to all participants.





May the Almighty Allah reward all who helped for holding this event, to give grace and happiness to all children and patience in trials.

“And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him].”


(Qur’an-i Kerim, 93:8-9)


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