Place of Sunnah in Islamic law


Grand Mufti’s Office published the book of imam As-Suyuti “Place of Sunnah in Islamic law”.

Imam Suyuti is an Islamic scholar who lived in the 15th century. The period in which he lived is typical with this that in the Islamic world began to appear new creeds and sects that reject the Sunnah (i.e. the personal example and the words) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). On the other hand appeared scholars and writers who defended the sunnah of the Prophet such as Imam Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, Bedruddin el-Ayni, Ibn Haldun and imam Jalaluddin As-Suyuti.

“Some of the sciences are like medicines, they cure those who studies them. And others are like the dirty water, they are not used except in a case of inevitably and in utmost need” said imam As-Suyuti.

The author refutes with strong proofs in his book the statements of the scholars rejecting the Sunnah of Muhammad (pbuh). According to him those who reject the Sunnah refer to one faked narration ascribed to the Prophet (pbuh): If someone brings you a hadith from me check it with the Qur’an and if you find basis for it in the Qur’an take it, if not – reject it”, which has no basis in this science.

Imam As-Suyuti supports his thesis with many verses from the Qu’ran and authentic narrations of the Prophet (pbuh), at the same time also with a number of opinions of other famous scholars who had spoken on the topic, and most of all he refers to Imam Ash-Shafi'i, who said: “The obedience to the Prophet (pbuh) is commanded by the Almighty Allah (S.T). That is why we have to accept everything which comes from him with an authentic chain, even if it is not mentioned in the Qur’an. This is so because the commandments given to the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) in fact are commandments approved by the One Who sent him”.

 Yuzlem Tefikova 




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