Newly published book - Woman in the process of Da‘wah


What is the place of the woman in the society, and in religion? What is the place of the woman in Islam? How can we help her to be free? About her right of education and does she has any rights at all. These are the discussed by the media topics nowadays. Even the most developed societies when discussing the human rights give a special place of women rights. Despite of being same, there are differences between man and woman, which cannot be missed to be marked; this is likely to be said.

By publishing the book “Woman in the process of Da‘wah” Grand Mufti’s Office also joins the discussion for the perpetual dilemma “shall woman be a part of the society or not”.

The author of the book Mustafa Muhammed at-Tahhan also joined the worldly circle of “thinkers” seeking solutions of the contemporary problems, which the woman of the 21st century faces, and especially the Muslim woman.

In his book “The woman in the process of Da’wah” the author invites the reader for a journey over the ages. There, many years ago, lived a woman, named Khadijah, famous for her wisdom and skill to manage a successful business, known for her generosity, but also for her humbleness.

Once on this land lived a woman named Aisha, a daughter of Abu Bakr and a wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). A good Muslim woman, respecting her husband, fearing Allah and with a soul opened to knowledge. Hadhrat Aisha was famous for having narrated many ahadith from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), for her skill to dialogue and knowing the legal science.

Through this work Musafa et-Tahhan tries to respond to some of the perpetual questions of the human race. Should woman be educated? Can woman participate in the process of Da’wah (inviting to religion)? How? Doe she has economic rights and a right to work? What social rights she has? And what political rights does the Muslim woman have? These are just some of the questions the answers of which are sought in the book.

“I am not the first one who expresses these brave thoughts related to woman. According to these thoughts, people are divided into several groups. One of the groups does not agree with them at all because for them woman is a jewel which should be preserved. The other group are the powerful men who do not want to back off from their positions. The third group is presented by those who discover themselves in these ideas and accept them after long expectation. It consists of both men and women. Exactly this group we are going to address in our book”, shares At-Tahhan in his introduction to the book.

Yuzlem Tefikova


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