Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali organized the event of “Sünnet”

On 8th of June, 2017in the central mosque of the city of Kardzhali was held a circumcision of boys from Kardzhali and the region. The event was organized by Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali with the kind assistance of donors from the city of Bursa and the Republic of Turkey. The circumcision was done by the longtime professional in this field Dr. Lyutvi Ahmet from the city of Aytos.

The program began with recitation of verses from the Qur’an by the imam of the mosque in Kardzhali Mr. Avni Tahir. After that, the Regional Mufti Mr. Beyhan Mehmed welcomed all parents and their children and wished successful implementation of the event and the fast recovery of the children. Furthermore, he highlighted the importance of the sünnet (circumcision) from Islamic point of view. Together with the Regional Mufti were also his two deputies Mr. Erhan Redzheb and Mr. Nasuf Halil. There were circumcised about 165 children from the city and the region. At the end of the event all children were given gifts.





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