Interfaith relations – collection of research articles


The Research Center (RC) at the High Islamic Institute published its third collection of research articles on the topic “Interfaith relations: theories, practices and challenges”.

The authors are known lecturers and researchers from several Bulgarian universities. Prof. Dr. Habil. Vladimir Gradev, Ch. Assist. Dr. Maria Polimirova, Dr. Ivan Dyulgerov, Prof. Dr. Habil. Tsvetan Teofanov from the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Prof. Dr. Zhorzheta Nazarska, Ch. Assist. Dr. Svetla Shapkalova from ULSIT, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Yalamov, Dr. Kadir Muhammed, Dr. Arif Abdullah from HII, Hierodeacon Petar Gramatikov from “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University and Prof. Dr. Stoyanka Kenderova from the “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” National Library.

“The topic for interfaith relations should be reconsidered interdisciplinary, and not only theologically”, is said in the preface of the book.

Some of the titles in the collection are: “The test of the difference: for compatibility and incompatibility between religions”, “Tolerance in the context of the Islamic discourse”, “Educational model of interfaith tolerance” and others.






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