Unforgettable trip

 Would you please present yourself?

- My name is Emral Seyidhodzha, I was born in Asenovgrad in 1985. I live there with my family.

Seyidhodzha…This is a family name raising the question whether therewere religious clerics among your ancestors?

- Yes, my ancestors were imams for many years in the places where they were living. I speak about my maternal grandfather and his brother for example. But now among my relatives unfortunately there are no imams.

What do you do?

I own a shop for phones. I also have a shop for accessories related to the Islamic religion.

In 2016 you traveled for Hajj, organized by Grand Mufti’s Office. We remember that you were among the first who enrolled – as soon as the campaign Hajj 2016 was launched. Would you please share with us something that you will never forget from there?

Oh, this was something indescribable, something very different. In the moment when I saw for a first time the Kaaba, everything inside me overturned. I cannot describe this in words. No, it is not possible.

This morning you returned from your visit to Masjid Al-Aqsa, the first Qibla and the third sacred place for the Muslims – after Mecca and Madina… what made you travel from Bulgaria to such a far place?

- I did not have such an intention to the moment when I had a dream. I have never thought about this before. Our imam told us in one of his lectures about Mi’raj. I felt warmth in my heart. After my dream I had already intended to go.

It is interesting to note that among the Muslims in Bulgaria it is not a tradition to visit Masjid Al-Aqsa. It happens very rare. You are among the first for which I cordially congratulate you. May Allah be pleased with you!

– Yes, InshaAllah…(smiling) I shared in the social network photos of all the places where I have been there, in order my Muslim brothers and sisters also to see them. But the atmosphere must be felt personally.


The Muslims face great difficulties in Al-Quds (Jerusalem)… Is it so indeed? What you saw there?

– Yes, it definetelly impressed me a lot that the number of the Muslims who come for the five prayers in Masjid Al-Aqsa is very small, of course with the exception of Jumu’ah prayer. I think that this is due to the strict control of the documents of the citizens on behalf of the state’s police authorities every time before entering the mosque…It is tiring.

Is this strict passport control before entering Masjid Al-Aqsa also valid for the tourists?

No, this is not applied for the tourists. They have free access. I do not know. Maybe they spare for us this difficulty so that we would not speak in our country about the experienced discomfort there.

Which historical places you visited there?

- Al-Khalil, Bethlehem, Halhul, Jericho, Dead Sea, Jaffa, Tel Aviv.

This sacred land is a home of so many messengers; we understood this when we were there. Ibrahim (a.s.), Ishak (a.s.), Musa (a.s.), Sulaiman (a.s.), Isa (a.s.), his mother Maryam (a.s.)…and many others. We also saw there the place from where out Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, ascended to Mir’aj. The world famous wooden minbar (pulpit) in Masjid Al-Aqsa, built on the order of Saladin (Selahaddin Eyyubi) which consists of 8500 parts without using even one nail - exquisite art. We also visited there the cemetery, where the as-sahabah were buried. The mosques and the Clock Tower built in the time of the Ottoman Empire impressed us very much. Fruits like oranges, bananas, olives, dates had wonderful taste, which I have never tasted before. The soil there is so fertile, filled with barakah. Even the taste of the fish was very different. Palestinians are brave people with obvious dignities.

Al-Quds is the crossroads of the three world religions. It carries a history with infinite depth. We feel this on every step. How would you comment on this?

-Yes, it is exactly like that. I am sorry that I have not gone there before. After I got to know also this sacred land, I realized why the Muslims must visit it.

What is your message to the Muslims in Bulgaria?

-Do not hesitate, nothing to be scared will happen to you, InshaAllah. I recommend you to read informational literature before the trip. I expect also from Grand Mufti’s Office in Bulgaria to organize visit of Masjid Al-Aqsa in nearest time.


Interview done by Ibrahim Tefik, Sevinch Emin and Asie Nuri


Photos: Yusuf Nizamoglu

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