Dr. Sefer Hasanov participated in a working meeting of the European Muslim Union


On 4th of January, 2017 in Strasbourg, France, was held a one-day working meeting – roundtable of the representation of the European Muslim Union the headquarters of which is in the French city.

For the meeting, where working language was English, were invited Muslim NGOs and Muslim experts in different fields. Among the participants there were journalists, lawyers, sociologists and theologians. There were also representatives from Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Bulgaria. From Bulgaria as a representative of Grand Mufti’s Office participated Dr. Sefer Hasanov – lecturer at the High Islamic Institute and a member of the Supreme Muslim Council. During the meeting which lasted several hours and which was chaired by the President of the Union Abu Bakr Rieger, were discussed topics related to the challenges in front of the integration of the incoming migrants from the Middle East in the Muslim communities in Europe and the growing wave of nationalism and Islamophobia as well as the opportunities to take advantage of internet to achieve better mutual help and providing more credible information about Islam to the society.

There were also speeches of some of the participants with regard to the status of the Muslim communities in their countries. The event ended with a visit to the Great Mosque of Strasbourg.



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