Workshop for women was held in the town of Rudozem


Within the period from 25th to 31st of December, year 2016 Grand Mufti’s Office of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria held a one-week workshop for women in the town of Rudozem. It took place in the educational center at the Central mosque in the town of Rudozem and was entitled “Responsibility of Muslim woman in family and society”. The workshop was attended by 20 women from Blagoevgrad region as well as by women from the Municipality of Rudozem. Speakers in the workshop were Myumine Sherifova and Hatidzha Parapanova and besides them as guest speakers lectures were delivered by the Grand Mufti of the Republic of Bulgaria Dr. Mustafa Hadzhi, the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Myumyun, the lecturers from the High Islamic Institute in Sofia Dr. Sefer Hasanov and Dr. Arif Abdullah, the Regional Mufti of Smolyan region Nedzhmi Dabov, the teacher in the course for hafizes in the town of Madan hafiz Bayram Ushev and the imams of the town of Rudozem Vahdi Delihusev and Nihat Ademov. In their lectures the speakers outlined the profile of the Muslim woman in personal, family and social aspect. The rights and the responsibilities of the Muslim woman as a wife, mother and daughter were clarified as well as her attitude towards the Almighty Allah and her responsibility in the society in inviting people to the Islamic religion. The speakers also refuted the seated stereotypes, false understandings and attacks with regard to the rights of the woman in Islam. They advised the women to turn to the example of those women who Allah honored in the Qur’an and who the Islamic history remembers with righteous and wise deeds.



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