Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan joined “Orphans’ week” with a number of events

Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan held a charity campaign on the occasion of the launched by Grand Mufti’s Office “Orphans’ week” within the period from 20th till 27th of November, 2016. The week was held under the title “Have you ever thought about an orphan?” and its purpose was to raise funds to support orphans in Bulgaria. The Social Department at Grand Mufti’s Office supports 44 children without parents in the region of Smolyan from the total number of 213 in the entire Bulgaria. This in turn places a huge responsibility upon Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan and namely to show greater activity in the charity campaign. On this occasion in all mosques in the region of Smolyan on Friday, 25th of November, was organized a campaign for raising funds to support the orphans and the Friday sermon was on the topic: “Attitude towards orphans according to Islam”. There were also sold specially designed for the campaign postcards.


On 26th of November in the administrative building of Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan was held a meeting with the supported orphaned children and their guardians which was also attended by the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali who is also a Chairman of the Committee on Social Activities at Grand Mufti’s Office. The aim of the meeting was to give moral support to the orphans and to show them that despite of being without parents they are not alone in the society and have to feel as full citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Deputy Grand Mufti was also a guest-lecturer in the central mosque in the town of Rudozem where he delivered a lecture on the topic: “The challenge of being a parent”. He focused on the responsibility which every parent has to take in upbringing, education and building as a person of his child and reminded that this is also responsibility of the entire society. And showing concern and supporting orphaned children is a way to successfully pass the test which the Almighty Allah gives us, and to which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) urged us by saying: "I and the guardian of the orphan will be in the Paradise like that," indicating his forefinger and middle finger.




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