Representatives of Muslim Denomination took part in inter-faith forum in Varshets

In the last third of the month of October the town of Varshets hosted the sixth traditional scientific conference “Humanism, science, religion”. The event is under the auspices of the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Acad. Stefan Vodenicharov. The topic of the forum this year was “Religious symbols as a message”. The event was organized by the Institute for Inter-religious and Ethno-cultural dialogue at the National Council of the Religious Communities in the Republic of Bulgaria. At the Conference were delivered reports from representatives of the six main religious communities in the country, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and UniBit. Representatives of the Muslim Denomination were the Deputy Grand Mufti of Bulgaria Birali Myumyun and Dr. Arif Abdullah, a lecturer at High Islamic Institute, who delivered a report on the topic “The direction for prayer qibla as a method for religious identification of the Muslim community”.

During the scientific forum were discusses many contemporary problems, related to the place and the interpretation of the symbols as a mean for getting to know the other.


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