Faith – hope for a better life

On 25th of September, 2016 for a third consecutive year the National Council of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria in partnership with Sofia Municipality organized “Feast of religions”.

This is an opportunity the six main religious denominations to present their religions to the general public.

The program included opening of an exhibitions with artists from the six denominations, which will be opened for visitors for two weeks. The exhibition was opened by the Deputy Grand Mufti Birali Birali.

A concert of music and folklore performances presenting the denominations, “Day of the open doors” of the temples.

At “Banski” square placed six tents presenting the religious denominations and typical for them attributes.

The forum was welcomed by the Mayor of Sofia Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova and the NCRCB Chairman Dr. Rupen Krikorian.

The Muslim community was represented by performance of a passage of mawlidi-i sherif from Regional Mufti’s Office – Haskovo.

This initiative is extremely important and symbolic for building of an authentic dialogue, tolerance and interaction of the different religious denominations on key for the Bulgarian society topics.

NCRCB condemns the attack in the town of Aleppo, Syria, towards innocent citizens and children and calls for an immediate termination of the hostilities.

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