Traditional qurban in the town of Zlatograd brought together two thousand people


On 18th of September in the town of Zlatograd was held a traditional for the town in the Rhodope Mountains qurban for barakah (prosperity). Guests of the festive event were the Regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov, the Deputy Regional Mufti for the municipalities of Zlatograd and Nedelino Selvi Karaosmanov, the Regional Governor of Smolyan Nedyalko Slavov, the Mayor of the Municipality of Zlatograd Miroslav Yanchev, guests from the nearby settlements as well as from Greece.

The Deputy Regional Mufti Selvi Karaosmanov delivered a lecture in which he outlined the profile of the Muslims according to the authentic and trustworthy sources in the Islamic religion, recalled about the more important principles of Islam and backed his theses by a number of examples from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In his lecture he refuted the attempts for discrediting the Islamic religion and the Muslims through imputing untypical for Islam and the Muslims definitions and actions.


The Regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov greeted the Muslim Board of Trustees for the good organization and implementation of the qurban for which were invited and which was attended by the residents of the town of Zlatograd – Muslims and Christians. The Mufti thanked also the Regional Mufti of Smolyan and the Mayor of the Municipality of Zlatograd for honoring the qurban which is a confirmation of the good cooperation of the Regional Mufti’s Office with the Regional Governor and the Municipalities, and gave indications for a closer future cooperation between the institutions. He emphasized also on the well-being and the understanding between the Muslim community and the Christians in the Municipality of Zlatograd and the region and expressed confidence in the preservation and the development of the good relations in the future. In conclusion he recalled that to be a Muslim is pride and responsibility and that the Muslim must be associated with a source of trust and security in the society in which he lives.

The Regional Governor and the Mayor of the Municipality of Zlatograd thanked for the invitation and expressed their satisfaction and also noted the fact of the good communication between the state and the local authorities with the Regional Mufti’s Office and its representation in the town of Zlatograd, as well as the inter-faith tolerance in the Municipality of Smolyan.

The qurban was attended by about 2000 people who received from the specially prepared lunch.

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