Grand Mufti’s Office published a new book “Predestination can be changed with dua”

Grand Mufti’s Office published a new book entitled “Predestination can be changed with dua”. Within 144 pages in the book is examined the relation of the dua (the supplication) with the destiny of a man and the way in which one should make dua to the Almighty Allah. The new book is a work of the famous Arab theologian Muhammad Salama Jabir.

“Is there anything better than the dua through which the servant turns towards the Lord of the Earth and the Heavens?

Is there anything more perfect than remembrance of Allah to protect us from troubles?

Is there a greater protection from the evil of the creations than that of Allah?

I advise you, Oh, servants of Allah, make dua to Him, in order to win the Mercy and His satisfaction. Always turn to Him, in order to win the happiness both in this world and in the Hereafter.

But do we know how to make dua to Alah? Do we know what is the best thing for us?

It was narrated that one of the righteous men asked Allah to give him enough subsistence and wealth in order to leave everything aside and to seclude in a desolateplace where to worship Him till the end of his life. Allah accepted his dua and the man got into prison, so he received his subsistence which he wished. But the man did not understand this and asked Allah to save him from the situation in which he was. Then he heard a voice telling him: “You asked the Creator to give you subsistence without working for it, but you did not asked Him to protect you from troubles and evil. If you have done it you would receive it”. Then the man realized his thoughtless act and understood that Allah has responded to his call. He turned to Allah and asked Him to forgive him and to bring him to his senses in order not to continue his life in ignorance. The Almighty Allah with His Mercy responded to his supplication. He forgave his sins and saved him from prison”.

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