Students from SRS – Ruse joined the educational campaign “Be informed about taxes”


The students from the Secondary Religious School in Ruse demonstrated a thorough understanding of the need for taxes during the discussion of the presentation “Be informed about taxes” from the joint campaign of NRA and MES. Prerequisite for this is what is learnt by them that the Holy Book requires from everyone who owns more than 80 grams of gold to pay (zakah) tax and that it increases according to his wealth. Of course the students from one of the three in the country secondary religious schools of the Muslim Denomination are modern young people and for them this principle has practical application in the world today, and with interest discussed with the speakers from the office of NRA in Ruse.

Theft of public revenues through giving false receipts under different options provoked them to think about the honesty of many merchants from whom they regularly shop. The children declared in the future always to want their receipts. For the graduates of the school was useful to learn about the legal requirements for payment of health insurance after their graduation and in case of continuing their education in universities abroad, as well as concluding real contracts of employment when starting work.

For the students are also interesting the rewards which they can win in the game of the campaign on the webpage in Facebook.

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