Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali in service to orphans

A meeting with orphaned children from Kardzhali region was held on 21st of June, 2016 in the premises of Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali. Thanks to the social initiative of Grand Mufti’s Office for supporting children without parents 12 orphans from Kardzhali region receive monthly aid from the funds of “Orphans” Fund. The meeting began with a welcoming speech on behalf of the Regional Mufti of Kardzhali Beyhan Mehmed, who greeted all participants and gave some information on the importance of the theme related to the orphan and his place in the Islamic religion. The children received also additional small gifts on behalf of the Regional Mufti’s Office. And a donor from Kardzhali provided qurban meat for each of the families of the orphans.


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