Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan held workshops with teachers in the summer Qur’an courses

On 14th, 15th and 18th of May Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan held workshops with female teachers and with the imams and the teachers in the summer Qur’an courses. The reason for holding the workshops was the preparation for the upcoming summer Qur’an courses. Within three days the teachers managed to refresh their knowledge in the field of the teaching methodology and exchanged personal experience gained in the teaching process. During the discussions in the workshop the teachers commented issues and problems which they face in their practice and made proposals to the mufti’s office through which to improve the efficiency of the courses, such as encouraging the children, organization of excursions, sport and entertaining programs, etc. The Qur’an courses in Smolyan region have long standing tradition in their conduction, which is transmitted through the generations.

It is expected that the number of the summer Qur’an courses in Regional Mufti’s Office – smolyan during the present year to be over 60, in which will participate children from the entire region. The Qur’an courses officially start in the beginning of July.


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