Evgeni Naydenov from NCRCB: Even though different, coming from different religious traditions, we need each other

“It is a great honor and a privilege for me to be among you today. On behalf of the National Council of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria and especially on behalf of its Chairman Prof. Dr. Rupen Krikorian I would like to forward you our warmest greetings and best wishes. We all yearn to devote our life for building of a society of belief, spiritual values and prosperity. We want to build together a society of honesty, mutual respect, harmony and justice”, said Evgeni Naydenov, Secretary of the National Council of the Religious Communities in Bulgaria (NCRCB).  He presented a congratulatory address at the regular National Muslim Conference on Sunday on behalf of the Chairman Prof. Dr. Rupen Krikorian.

“Today we are living in a world of remarkable scientific and technological development. At the same time we are living in a world which desperately needs light, harmony and peace. The challenges and the opportunities which we face today help us to realize that even though different, coming from different religious traditions, we need each other”, said Naydenov during the supreme forum of the Muslims in the country.

According to him we believe that the Most Wise and the Merciful God created us to exist in the indescribable beauty and power of relations – relations with the Creator and relations with each other. One authentic dialogue presupposes the existence of a conversation and sharing, and this conversation and sharing are much more that exchange of thoughts, exposition of theses and presenting arguments. The authentic dialogue and interaction suggests building of authentic relations in which we want to hear, to understand, to help our neighbor and to do this with joy, with readiness, with sincerity, by opening our hearts to each other.

“We, your friends from the National Council of the Religious communities in Bulgaria, want together with you, with one heart and joint efforts to build a society with which all to be proud and which with dignity and joy to bequeath to the future generations”, stressed NCRCB Secretary.

He ended his address with the words of two great men (according to him) who lived in different ages, but whose wisdom is close to our hearts as well.

Jalal ad-Din Rumi said: “Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.… Wherever you are, whatever you do, live in love.”

And the great Al Gazali said: “Know that the happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God.

“Dear friends, we wish you fruitful work – for the good of your religion and for the good of our entire society”, said Naydenov.

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