Supreme Muslim Council is a reflection of the belief in The One Allah

“The Supreme Muslim Council is a reflection of the belief in The One Allah, expresses the unity of the Muslim community in Bulgaria and implements His orders in verse 38 of chapter Shura and verse 159 of chapter al-Imran, that say: “They are those who obey their Lord and establish Prayer; who conduct their affairs by consultation, and spend out of what We have bestowed upon them” said the acting Chairman of the Supreme Muslim Council Vedat S. Ahmed during the regular National Muslim Conference on Sunday. He reported to the supreme forum of the Muslims the activities of the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC) for the period 2011 – 2016.

The Supreme Muslim Council is the central collective body of the Muslim Denomination the members and the Chairman of which are elected on National Muslim Conference. That is why the Supreme Muslim Council provides report at the Conference.

“Main task of the Supreme Muslim Council is to establish the guidelines for the development of the Muslim Denomination and to regulate the basis for their implementation. Furthermore the Council is the collective body of the Denomination which is responsible to express the voice and to defend the rights of the Muslims in our country”, said the Chairman.

He said that in order to fulfill this responsibility within the rights provided by the Statute of the Muslim Denomination, the Supreme Muslim Council adopted 729 decisions during its sessions which especially during the past year were held every month, and sometimes even more often.

The Council adopted a number of Regulations – “Internal rules” – for organization of the archive and the general administrative document processing, for raising and receiving donations, for raising and implementation of budget and others.

“An important moment in the activity of the Supreme Muslim Council is the uniting of the Muslim community in Bulgaria and giving an example for development of tolerant behavior and peaceful co-existence inside the community and outside it”, stressed the acting Chairman of the SMC Vedat S. Ahmed, who was re-elected for this position during the Conference with a full majority.

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