Delegation from Kardzhali visited Hafiz Myuzekka Gyurbyuz

The Regional Mufti of Kardzhali Beyhan Mehmed met with Hafiz Myuzekka Gyurbyuz, a teacher for many years in SRS “Nyuvvab”. He currently lives in Turkey. The Regional Mufti was accompanied by the Deputy mufti Erhan Redzheb and the imam of the mosque in the village of Benkovski Mr. Erdinch Syuleyman. Hafiz Myuzekka Gyurbyuz went to the Republic of Turkey in year 1950 where he was a teacher in Imam Hatip school many years. In 1990 when was the second opening of “Nyuvvab” Hafiz Myuzekka came back in Shumen where he became a teacher again and made one noble decision, namely every month he donated his salary to the students from the religious school. He also wrote the famous poem for “Nyuvvab” - „Selam Sana Mektebim Nüvvab".

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