Hiking organized for the children from the Qur’an course in the village of Draginovo

The children from the summer Qur’an course in the village of Draginovo visited the Dancing Bears Park located 12 far from the town of Belitsa, in the settlement of the “Andrianov chark” on 10th of August, 2015.
This is the first hiking organized for the participants in the course from this region. The children had a great interest because they had for a first time the opportunity to see the bears from close. The teachers included in the program of the children also entertaining games. The kids were extremely satisfied and expressed their wholeheartedly gratitude to their teachers, and also shared with them their wish one day to visit this place again in order to enjoy once more the magnificent nature and the dancing bears.
The organizers from Draginovo in their turn wished all children from the Qur’an courses throughout the country to visit these places and to enjoy the wonderful tourist and natural attractions, which the region offers.

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