Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan held a workshop with teachers in the summer Qur’an courses

Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan held a one-day workshop with the imams and the teachers in the summer Qur’an courses on 3rd of June, 2015 in the central mosque of the town of Rudozem. The reason for holding the workshop was the preparation for the upcoming summer Qur’an courses. The workshop began with a lecture on the topic: “Qur’an course running methodology”, delivered by the long time pedagogue and teacher Hasan Mehmedaliev, who emphasized on the calendar thematic organization of the teaching material in the summer Qur’an course. He gave examples and ideas for more interesting and attracting the attention of the children methods and video lessons which should be present in the practice of the teachers in order to achieve the desired success.
In the second part of the workshop a discussion took place where the teachers discussed issues and problems which they face in their practice. The teachers agreed on the idea that in the beginning of June they have to start preparatory Qur’an courses for Qur’an reading mainly for the younger students and the beginners. The Regional Mufti of Smolyan Nedzhmi Dabov presented to the teachers the Qur’an Courses Committee set up by the Regional Muslim Council with participants Bayram Ushev, Asan Mehmedaliev and Selvi Karaosmanov. The aim of the Committee will be to improve the level of teaching and to achieve higher quality of carrying out of the Qur’an courses in the region of Smolyan.
It is expected that the number of the Qur’an courses in Regional Mufti’s Office – Smolyan during the present year will be around 70 and will be attended by more than 900 children. The courses officially start on 1st of July, 2015.

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