Statement of Grand Mufti’s Office with regard to the appeal commercial case No. 964/2014 of SAC and the speculative and incorrect information announced by representatives of the local authorities

Grand Mufti’s Office is strongly indignant by the incorrect and speculative behavior of representatives of the local authorities (the mayors of Kyustendil and Karlovo) who, without being a party in the relevant court proceedings, express statement and through manipulative and populist rhetoric try to draw dividends.  In the context of the upcoming local elections the behavior of the local authorities clearly shows the absence of legitimate political ideas and whatever horizon of political foresight in service of the society.

With regard to the statements of the abovementioned municipal mayors related to decision on commercial appeal case No. 964/2014 of the Sofia Appellate Court we would like to inform about the following:

1. Sofia Appellate Court is not the last instance for the case and the decision of the court has not entered into force. Even if it repeals the decision of Sofia City Court for establishment of the succession, the decision of the appellate court is not in the sense of absence of succession between the Muslim Denomination and the existing till year 1949 religious educational entities, but in the sense of termination of the proceedings due to the possibility to establish the succession in other judicial process. That is why after receiving and getting acquainted with the decision of Sofia Appellate Court it will be appealed to the Supreme Cassation Court;

2. The statements of mayors of different municipalities and namely of Kyustendil and Karlovo are at least improper and incorrect. Firstly because neither the mayors nor the municipalities are party of this case. The cases with which the Muslim Denomination claims to be established that it is an owner and to be returned properties both in the towns of Kyustendil and Karlovo, and also in other cities in the country are different from the case for accession. They have different subject and are under the jurisdiction of other courts.

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