The experts from Grand Mufti’s Office carry out the regular working visits to the summer Qur’an courses in the country, which started with the beginning of July this year. The general and national coordinator of the summer Qur’an courses Bahri Izet and the expert from “Irshad” Department Resim Shamatarev have already visited a number of regional mufti’s offices in Southern Bulgaria and the organized by them summer Qur’an courses. There have already been visited the regional mufti’s offices in Plovdiv, Smolyan, Pazardzhik, Kardzhali and Haskovo. The visits continue also on the territory of Northern Bulgaria, and at the moment the team of “Irshad” Department is in Ruse.
“The aim is to monitor the level of the summer Qur’an courses, to implement control, as well as to check whether the regulations of Grand Mufti’s Office for carrying out the Qur’an courses are observed” – the General Coordinator Bahri Izet commented for He also added that besides everything else, this year there is an extreme care in terms of the observation also of the anti-epidemic safety measures given the situation of the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It is monitored whether the social distance is observed, and this year the groups in which the summer Qur’an courses take place a much smaller, averagely 10 children in a group.” – further added Izet.
During the summer of the present year, 2020, summer Qur’an courses are carried out in more than 400 settlements on the territory of entire Bulgaria.
Author: L. Chausheva