Dr. Arif Abdullah – guest-scientist at US university during the present summer semester


The lecturer from the Research Center at the High Islamic University (HII) in Sofia Dr. Arif Abdullah is a guest-scientist in the Department of Religion at the Temple University in the city of Philadelphia, the USA during the present summer semester.

The focus of the scientific work is on the American Constitution and the freedom of religion, where the main interest is directed at the methods and the approaches for organizing the religions diversity and developing of models within which the religious universal principles and specifics efficiently work.

Dr. Arif Abdullah will present specific paradigms of the Islamic theology for solving the problems of the religious exclusivism. In the framework of his stay in the United States he will benefit from the opportunity to participate in a number of scientific forums which will be held at different academic institutions there.

At the University “St. Thomas” – Minnesota Dr. Abdullah will present a concept for power and its influence on the Islamic law, viewpoint and teachings.At the Institute of Peace in Washington the focus will be on the coherence of the models for peaceful and efficient co-existence. This experience transferred to Bulgaria, would help the Muslims to keep or to establish a balance through which to preserve their rich spirituality without losing contact with the contemporary reality.




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