Regular meeting of imams from Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali


Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali held its regular monthly meeting with the imams from the region. It took place on 16th of October, 2017 (Monday) from 10:30 o’clock in the central mosque of the town of Kardzhali.

The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Regional Mufti Erhan Redzheb.

Besides the imams from the region of Kardzhali the meeting was attended also by the Deputy Mufti of Krumovvgrad Nasuf Halil and the person in charge of “Irshad” at Regional Mufti’s Office – Kardzhali – Sezer Sadulov.

Within the meeting were discussed topics related to the discipline, the rights and the duties of the imams. The participants were informed about the upcoming training course in Tashih-ul Huruf, the training course for imams in the village of Ustina as well as about the training course for karaat and adhan in the town of Momchilgrad. In addition to this the imams also talked about the year-round Qur’an courses that are held in the region.

There were discussed the upcoming activities during the Mosques’ Week. During the meeting the participants in it addressed also the issue regarding the difficult financial situation in which the Muslim Denomination is.

The imams took and active part during the meeting. It ended with a dua (supplication) for health and prosperity, made by Erhan Redzheb.





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